Center Pensées - French Therapy Center in Berlin

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Le Cahier de Thérapie du Centre Pensées

Le Cahier de Thérapie du Centre Pensées

We're delighted to introduce a new product that's very close to our hearts: the Centre Pensées Therapy Notebook. This unique aid has been designed by our team of psychologists and therapists with care and expertise to support you throughout your...

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in BerlinLet's GLOW self-fulfilling prophecy: step out of your comfort zone! The first part of our Let's GLOW series is dedicated to a fascinating psychological concept: self-fulfilling prophecy...

Communication styles

Communication styles

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in BerlinBy Dr. Dipl. -Psych Sarah Fitzroy - English psychologist in Berlin Communication Communication is essential in many relationships, but we all have different communication styles...

Preventing burnout

Preventing burnout

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in BerlinBurn-out is often named to explain general discomfort at work. In this article we suggest you take a “zoom in” on the warning symptoms in order to better prevent it. ...



🌱THE MOTHER NATURE JOURNEY COURSE 🌱 If some mothers among you feel sufficiently comfortable in English, a wonderful trip to the maternity ward is offered to you at the Pensées Center from January 2022. This program is made up of 6 dates from beginning...

ACT therapy

ACT therapy

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin ACTherapy In French it is known as acceptance and commitment therapy. This arises from cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBT), thus integrating into the movement of...

Self-esteem in adolescence

Self-esteem in adolescence

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin Adolescence marks the beginning of a process of change, where major physical, cognitive and emotional transformations will combine. It is also a key developmental period where...

Self-esteem: tips to promote it

Self-esteem: tips to promote it

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin What opinion do you have of yourself? How do you perceive yourself? Have you ever wondered about this? Whether at school or at work, in leisure time or in relationships...

Couples in crisis

Couples in crisis

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin The word couple, originally, was a feminine term, which designated a link to attach together two animals or similar things, or two hunting dogs. We mentioned, for example, “a couple for...

Self-esteem, what is it?

Self-esteem, what is it?

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin This summer, we are preparing a small series of articles on the theme of self-esteem and it is our psychologist Julie Le Pite, a specialist on the issue who is talking to you about it! Although this concept...

The body in relaxation

The body in relaxation

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin Thinking about the body often comes down to thinking about matter, a biological, physiological body, a body which allows us to move around and which we allow ourselves to forget the rest of the time. Yet at...

Integrative psychology

Integrative psychology

Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin Integrative psychology is a multi-referential approach which is interested in Being in its entirety, that is to say on the emotional, cognitive, spiritual, behavioral and relational levels. This...

English Speaking Therapy Center in Berlin

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Schönhauser Allee 55 - 10437 BERLIN