We are delighted to present a new feature that is particularly close to our hearts: le Cahier de Thérapie from Centre Pensées. This unique support has been designed by our team of psychologists and therapists with care and expertise to accompany you throughout your therapeutic journey.
Who is this booklet for?
Whether you're already in therapy or just want to take a moment to reconnect with your emotions, this workbook is a compass to guide you. It's just as suitable for the patients we work with as it is for anyone seeking self-reflection and well-being.
What will you find there?
A companion for your well-being
At Centre Pensées, we believe that therapeutic work is not limited to our sessions. This workbook has been designed to extend this reflection outside the office, into your everyday life. It's a concrete way of putting into action what you learn in therapy, and of accompanying you on your journey.
How do I get it?
The Cahier de Thérapie is free of charge for all Centre Pensées patients. You can request them directly from your therapist or click on the link below: