Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Let's GLOW: get out of your comfort zone!
The first part of our Let's GLOW series is dedicated to a fascinating psychological concept: self-fulfilling prophecy.
It's a concept from the human and social sciences used to describe a situation in which someone who predicts or expects an event, often negative (but sometimes positive), modifies their behavior in line with their beliefs, with the result that the prophecy comes true.
Are you still with us?
This phenomenon highlights the power of our beliefs and expectations on our behavior and interactions with others. This concept sheds valuable light on how our thoughts and perceptions can influence the reality we experience.
How to hack the self-fulfilling prophecy?
By understanding the self-fulfilling prophecy, we can become more aware of our own expectations and how they can influence our interactions and decisions. We can also be more attentive to the expectations we project onto others, taking care not to limit or condition them by our own prejudices or stereotypes.
Here are a few steps to short-circuit this prophecy:
1 - Self-observation: go in search of your beliefs.
2 - Challenge limiting beliefs: look for any evidence to the contrary.
3 - Positive visualization: imagine positive results in situations where you have negative expectations.
Conclusion: Our beliefs shape our reality
Self-fulfilling prophecy reminds us that our thoughts and beliefs have significant power over our life experience. By recognizing this power, we can cultivate positive attitudes and perceptions that enable us to create more enriching and fulfilling realities, both for ourselves and for those around us.
We can't say it often enough: your thoughts are powerful, so make them your allies!