by Thoughts Center | Jan 20, 2022 | psychology, Therapy
Center Pensées – French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin Focus on Borderline Personality Disorder If we translate the term into French, it would be “a borderline state”, but what does that mean, why do we talk about limits in this ...
by Thoughts Center | Dec 14, 2021 | Therapy
🌱THE MOTHER NATURE JOURNEY COURSE 🌱 If some mothers among you feel sufficiently comfortable in English, a wonderful trip to the maternity ward is offered to you at the Pensées Center from January 2022. This program is made up of 6 dates from beginning...
by Thoughts Center | Dec 1, 2021 | Well-being, Therapy
Center Pensées – French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin ACT ACTherapy therapy In French, it is known as acceptance and commitment therapy. This arises from cognitive and behavioral therapies (CBT), thus integrating...
by Thoughts Center | Dec 1, 2021 | psychology, Therapy
Center Pensées – French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin “Manual to share” – The discussion group for adults HPI As many of you have asked us, and we notice that the need to discuss the subject is great! ...
by Thoughts Center | Sep 23, 2021 | psychology, Therapy
Center Pensées – French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin Self-esteem in adolescence Adolescence marks the beginning of a process of change, where major physical, cognitive and emotional transformations will combine. It is...
by Thoughts Center | Sep 6, 2021 | psychology, Therapy
Center Pensées – French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin Self-esteem: tips to promote it What opinion do you have of yourself? How do you perceive yourself? Have you ever wondered about this? Whether at school or at work,...