Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin

Hypnosis and the creative process

Hypnosis is increasingly used in medical and psychological care. It can be used to stop smoking, reduce stress and even provide pain relief. But it's much more than that, as it activates our psychic resources and certain neuronal connections. Hypnosis mobilizes our creativity, our uniqueness and helps us feel more confident. It is beneficial for removing our fears and pushing us into action. In other words, it takes us out of our daily lives and our comfort zone to create change and make room for the new.
So how does hypnosis impact our creativity?
To answer this question, let's take a look at the creative process. In 1926, psychologist Graham Wallas theorized this mechanism in four stages:

The preparation phase :

In this mindful process, you determine a goal, such as an idea, an action or the resolution of a problem. You search for and gather information so that ideas can emerge and take shape. In this phase, hypnosis mobilizes your resources, your ability to concentrate and perhaps even helps you to focus your attention on new things. You'll be more grounded in the present moment and able to let go more easily.
This then sets in motion the next step: you don't have to do anything, just let things happen.

The incubation phase

In this phase of free association, the unconscious takes over and makes links with the ideas posed beforehand, leaving room for the imagination. You leave the project aside and carry on doing things you enjoy or find relaxing. It's important to take time out and be in the present moment to let new ideas flow. The project is in the process of germinating and needs a little patience to come to fruition. Talking about your projects, desires or problems with other people you trust can help you make connections more easily. In this process, hypnosis enables your unconscious mind to bring new thoughts or images to the surface of your consciousness...
Then, Eureka, your idea appears!

The illumination phase:

In this phase, you find one or more solutions to your problem and/or implement your project. The unconscious therefore sends new information to your conscious mind so that they can work together. That's why it's important to be in the present moment and in contemplation. Serendipity is also the term used to describe the emergence of a new idea by chance from external circumstances.
Hypnosis brings your creativity to the fore, enabling you to use your analytical skills to see whether your project or idea is feasible.

The verification phase :

In this final, conscious phase, you evaluate and constructively criticize your proposal and/or solution. You analyze what is feasible and which ideas need further elaboration. You call on your common sense, and perhaps even on those close to you, to gather opinions and consider their views. Hypnosis then helps you to overcome your resistance and take action. It's the little push you need to activate your motivation and reduce your apprehensions.

With the creative process broken down into its four stages, and the various positive effects of hypnosis, I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the conscious and unconscious dynamics of creativity, and the impact of hypnosis on this process. Don't forget that you already possess the resources and creativity that only need to be brought to light.

three crumpled yellow papers on green surface surrounded by yellow lined papers
three crumpled yellow papers on green surface surrounded by yellow lined papers

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