Center Pensées - French Center for Psychotherapy in Berlin

Mediterranean meals and depression

The link between diet and depression is being studied more and more, and the Mediterranean diet is getting a lot of attention. 

He favors meals based on fish, whole grains, legumes, herbs and olive oil. 

This diet is associated with a 33% reduction in the risk of depression.

This is the conclusion of a meta-analysis carried out by researchers from Inserm and the University of Montpellier, taking into account a total of 20 longitudinal studies and 21 cross-sectional studies meeting the selection criteria. These included 36,556 adults whose diets were evaluated using scores for suitability for various diets (Mediterranean, DASH, HEI, AHEI), as well as diagnosis of depression or depressive symptoms.

However, these results should be treated with caution. They do not mean that diet can reduce depression. 

Clinical trials are still needed to assess the role of eating habits in the onset, severity and recurrence of depressive episodes.

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